Sunday 24 January 2016



is a waterfall located in the southern district of Sukabumi. The waterfall is also known as Curug Luhur, but the name is better known waterfall Cikaso surrounding communities due to the flow of water coming from the tributaries Cikaso.
Curug Cikaso formed from three point waterfalls side by side in a single location where at the bottom of the waterfall there is a pond with water color bluish green. The second point of the waterfall can be seen clearly while the somewhat hidden by the cliffs facing to the east. Each of these waterfalls have individual names. Named waterfall Asepan the left, middle and right Mew named waterfall called Curug Aki. Thirdly this waterfall has a height of about 80 meters with a width of about 100 m cliff. The flow of water in an estuary continues into Tegal Buleud, Kab. Sukabumi. The pool can be used for swimming, but the supervision of guards, because the depth of the pool reaches 15 m

This waterfall is located on the southwestern coast of the island of Java, precisely in Kampung Ciniti, Cibitung village, district. Cibitung, Kab. Sukabumi, West Java, Indonesia.

This waterfall travel is approximately 8 kilometers from Surade, 15 kilometers from Jampang Kulon, 32 kilometers from the Edge tiles, about 110 kilometers from the city of Sukabumi, and about 70 km from Palabuhanratu.

A common route to Curug Cikaso beginning of Surade which takes about 30 minutes to use a two or four-wheel vehicles to arrive at the junction of Jalan Cikaso. Curug Cikaso also located not far from the beach Travel Edge tiles where there are turtle breeding area of ​​West Java.

There are several paths that can be taken, the first track is from the junction / Cinagen market, Jampang Kulon then go towards Cikaso, approximately 5 km journey. While the second path is by turning around for 6 hours, starting from the junction Cibarehong, Surade towards SMAN 1 Surade then go to the left, about 3 km from the junction Cibarehong.

The condition of the road to the waterfall is quite difficult, therefore, before heading to the waterfall Cikaso need to be dealt eligibility condition of the vehicle used, because the number of road potholes, as well as the terrain tough road, where there are many sharp turns, climbs, and steep slope.

Sukabumi government dropped the fees in the form of £ 2,000 entry fee to get into the area of this waterfall. After arriving at the waterfall area, visitors are required to walk past the paddies along 300 m before arriving at the waterfall. There are also water transportation services in the form of a boat / canoe, with rates £ 10,000 / person in Cikaso tributaries near the bottom of the waterfall.

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